• Question: who is your idol

    Asked by anon-186301 to Danny, Andy on 11 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: Danny Ward

      Danny Ward answered on 11 Nov 2018:

      I really look up to scientists and science presenters of TV, radio, online, in magazines etc. They inspired me to enjoy science when I was younger. People like David Attenborough, Neil DeGrass Tyson, Bill Nye the Science Guy and Brian Cox are all really good at communicating and sharing complex science with a general public audience. They can take a difficult concept and make it interesting, engaging and not overly-technical. I owe a lot to them for where I am today.
      As well as this, there are many incredibly talented and inspiring research scientists in my field who inspire me on a daily basis. To see such incredibly well thought out work and to learn about such fascinating discoveries really motivated me to do what I do and are people I really look up to.
