• Question: what would happen if you drilled a hole through the earth put a meatal tube and dropped a ball down it what would the gravity do to it because the WORLD IS ROUND

    Asked by anon-186283 to Danny on 11 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: Danny Ward

      Danny Ward answered on 11 Nov 2018: last edited 11 Nov 2018 2:15 pm

      You’d first have to contend with the hot core of the earth that reaches about 5500 degrees celcius but for this, lets pretend the middle of the earth is normal temperature. As you moved towards the earths core, gravity will have a greater effect on the ball and so will be speeding up by about 9.8 meters per second….so the further the ball goes down, the faster it will go ☄️!
      Once the ball crosses over the middle it will keep going to the other side due to momentum…..but then it’ll fall back down again due to gravities pull from the central core. This will endlessly repeat in a process called harmonic motion. This is actually the same reason why the earth is able to continuously orbit the sun. Due to the differences in mass between the earths core and the ball (or the sun and the earth), there is pull towards the larger object 🌎.
