• Question: what makes drugs bad

    Asked by anon-186554 to Verity, Trystan, Raquel, Danny, Catherine, Andy on 13 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: Catherine Smith

      Catherine Smith answered on 13 Nov 2018:

      Different drugs are affect people in different ways. In general, they cause changes in the way people think, feel and behave – this can be very dangerous. For example, ecstasy affects the body’s temperature control. This can cause overheating and dehydration – but can also cause people to overcompensate and drink too much. Drugs are also often very addictive, which can lead to long-term health and social problems.

    • Photo: Danny Ward

      Danny Ward answered on 13 Nov 2018:

      Recreational drugs are bad as they are illegal, they cause a lot of pain and destruction in developing nations across the world with gang warfare, they are dangerous to our health and they fuel crime.
      Medicinal drugs prescribed by a doctor for a medical condition however are different and are used to help people. These are safe, tested, make people better and don’t fuel crime and destruction.

    • Photo: Trystan Leng

      Trystan Leng answered on 13 Nov 2018:

      A drug is any substance that causes a temporary physiological change in the body. This includes all medicines we take, as well as recreational drugs, so not all drugs are bad! Recreational drugs are often bad for people’s long-term health, and are often very addictive. For balanced and honest information about the safety of drugs I would recommend the website ‘talk to Frank’ – I’ve provided a link below.


    • Photo: Verity Hill

      Verity Hill answered on 13 Nov 2018:

      I second everything that everyone else has said!
      Also one issue is that because they are illegal, there is no regulation on how they are made. Sometimes drugs are “cut” (mixed with) with things that make you very sick – a drug like cocaine which is a white powder is sometimes cut with things that are also white powders, like ground-up mothballs! Sometimes also with other drugs that can have different effects on you.
      This means as well that you don’t know how strong the drug that you’re taking is, and so you can get into trouble by accidentally taking too much. This is sometimes the reason that people can die from taking certain drugs that they’ve been fine taking before.
      “talk to Frank” that Trystan mentions is a really good resource that is very honest – I highly recommend it.
