• Question: do aliens exist

    Asked by anon-186297 to Danny on 11 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: Danny Ward

      Danny Ward answered on 11 Nov 2018:

      Given the size of the universe, I think its probable that there is other life out there. The problem is, the universe is an estimated 93 billion light years or 880000000000000000000000000 meters in diameter (and this is just the observable universe, it probably goes on beyond this). In this huge space, their are an estimated 3 trillion planets 🌌🌍.
      Trying to explore all of that to search for life is just an impossible challenge for us right now, we don’t have the technology to travel far enough. The furthest we have ever gone in space is with the voyager satellite (in space right now!) and that has reached 21200000000000 meters which we sent off 40 years ago. Still no signs of alien life yet but lots of promising planets to explore that look like they might contain life. If we did find life it would likely be a simple microbial organism at first 👽.
