• Question: What protective equipment do you wear/use to prevent contracting Ebolar?

    Asked by anon-186814 to Verity on 13 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: Verity Hill

      Verity Hill answered on 13 Nov 2018: last edited 13 Nov 2018 11:01 pm

      If you are a medical doctor or nurse, you have to wear a suit that completely seals you from the outside. It includes gloves and boots, and a mask. When you take it off, there is a complicated 23 step process, and you have to wash every bit in chlorine to make sure it’s clean.
      But recently a new thing has come about, where you treat patients in a pod – the medic stays on the outside, and then treats the person inside the cube. That means that the patient can see the person treating them and they don’t look like this scary alien which people can look like in the usual protective equipment.
