• Question: hi danny do you think there could be a solution to stop bacteria/microbes from infecting things for good?

    Asked by anon-186412 to Danny on 7 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: Danny Ward

      Danny Ward answered on 7 Nov 2018:

      It seems unlikely that will be the case any time soon. Many of the things we use to stop them like antibiotics, bacteria become resistant too. Having said that though, there are a few strategies to try to minimise bacterial infections to virtually zero. The best and most effective way is through vaccinations…if you can’t get the disease in the first place, then there is no need to stop it. Other methods include designing new antibiotics so even if the bacteria become resistant, we have back-up options to stop them. Another method is through new technology that stops bacteria in different ways. A really cool example of this are things called bacteriophage that naturally exist in our envionment. Its very cutting-edge so we are still just starting this research but bacteriophage infect and kill really specific bacteria. Some clever scientists got the idea to try to collect some of these bacteriaphage and use them to treat bacterial infections!
